Sunday, April 5, 2020



A computer is a machine. It works very fast. It has the ability to accept data, process it and give useful output. It can help us do many things.

  • It can help us do sums like a calculator.
  • It can show us movies and cartoons like a TV.
  • It can play music like a music player.
  • It can also help us play games, draw pictures and so on.

Types of Computers:

There are many types of computers. Here are some-


  1. A desktop computer is quite large.
  2. It cannot be carried around with us.
  3. It has many separate parts, like the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse and the CPU box.
  4. It does not run on its own batteries. We need to connect it to the power supply.


  • A laptop is a small computer.
  • It can be carried around easily.
  • All its parts, like the monitor and the keyboard are built in.
  • It can run on its battery.


  • It is very easy to carry around.
  • We can use it while holding it in our hands.
  • Its touchscreen does the work of a monitor, mouse and keyboard.
  • A tablet runs on its battery.

A Computer Is Different from Us:

There are many things that a computer can do better than us.

  • A computer works very fast. We are slower.
  • A computer does not make mistakes. We can make mistakes.
  • A computer does not get tired like us.
  • A computer can remember many things. It never forgets.
  • We can think of new things such as a new story. A computer cannot.
  • We can learn things ourselves. A computer cannot do this.
  • We can decided what to do. A computer cannot decide on its own.

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Larning of Computer fundamentals and its applications and Microsoft Office together with MCQ questions.