Sunday, June 28, 2020

Ms-Word Practical: Set - 1

MS-Word Practical: Formatting Text

1. Open new Word documents and settings as follows:
     Set paper size to "Letter".
     Set the Margin Settings to:Top: 1.00", Bottom: 1.00", Left: 1.25", Right: 1.25"
     Set the Orientation of the page to "Portrait".

2. TYPE THE PASSAGE below:     

Classification of Printer
Printers are output devices that are used to prepare permanent output on paper. There can two types of Printers

Impact Printers:
An impact printer is a class of printers that functions by making physical contact with an ink ribbon before striking the page. Example- Daisy wheel, dot matrix, and line printers

Non-impact printer:
Non-impact printer prints without making contact with the paper. They are generally quieter and more efficient than their impact counterparts. Example- Laser printer and Inkjet printers.

3. Change the format for the title: 
Font = Arial, Font Size = 17, Bold, Font color = Blue, Align = Center and shading = Orange.

4. Rest of the text: 
Font size = 12 and Font = Times New Roman.

5. Change the format for the word “Impact Printers”  
Font =14 and Font Color = RedBoldItalicUnderline.

6. Use Font Dialog box to apply double underline to the word “Physical Contact”.

7. Use format painter to copy the format of the word “Impact Printers” to the word “Non-impact Printers”.

8. Use change case command to change the word “Example” to Uppercase, Bold and Italic.

9. Apply text effects to the word "Classification of Printer" in the title of the paragraph.

10. Save the documents in the Desktop with filename “Classification of Printer”.

The document now looks like this:

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