Sunday, July 12, 2020

Creating Files and Folders

Operating System:

An operating system is a program that provides an environment to interact with the user of a computer and computer hardware. You cannot interact with hardware devices without an operating system. It manages all of the software and the hardware on the computer.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Computer Software and its Types

A computer system can be considered to be made up of two main components - hardware and software. 

Computer hardware is the collection of all the physical devices such as to monitor, mouse, keyboard, and CPU that you can touch and feel. However, hardware alone cannot perform any task until it is given some instructions.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Microsoft Word MCQs Set - 2

1. The __________ has the New option that lets you create a new Word document.

[ A ]  Home Tab.

[ B ]  File Tab.

[ C ]  Insert Tab.

[ D ]  Design Tab.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Microsoft Word MCQs Set - 1

1. Open Office Writer and Microsoft Word are an example of _________.

[ A ]  Operating System.

[ B ]  Paint Software.

[ C ]  Word-processing Software.

[ D ]  None of these.