Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Microsoft Word MCQs Set - 2

1. The __________ has the New option that lets you create a new Word document.

[ A ]  Home Tab.

[ B ]  File Tab.

[ C ]  Insert Tab.

[ D ]  Design Tab.

2. You can insert a new line by pressing the __________ key.

[ A ]  Enter Key.

[ B ]  Delete Key.

[ C ]  Shift key.

[ D ]  Esc Key.

3. When the text reaches the end of a line, it automatically gets shifted to the next line. This feature of Word is called __________.

[ A ]  Auto Adjust.

[ B ]  Word Wrap.

[ C ]  Both A and B.

[ D ]  None of the Above.

4. The shortcut key to exit Microsoft Word is __________.

[ A ]  Alt + F4.

[ B ]  Ctrl + F4.

[ C ]  Ctrl + Shift + F4.

[ D ]  None of the Above.

5. In the Microsoft Word Window, __________ contains the zoom slider and view buttons.

[ A ]  Status Bar.

[ B ]  Home Tab

[ C ]  Quick Access Toolbar.

[ D ]  Title Bar

6. This bar is visible on the top of a window and displays the name of the file or application. You can drag a window by grabbing this bar. It is called the __________.

[ A ]  Menu Bar.

[ B ]  Status Bar

[ C ]  Title Bar

[ D ]  Scroll Bar.

7. The shortcut key for copying and pasting is __________.

[ A ]  Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V.

[ B ]  Alt + C, Alt + V.

[ C ]  Ctrl + V, Ctrl + E.

[ D ]  Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V.

8. Which of the following is not a part of the Taskbar?

[ A ]  Start Button.

[ B ]  Notification Area.

[ C ]  Quick Launch Toolbar.

[ D ]  Ribbon.

9. You can save a document by clicking the Save button on the __________ or use the shortcut key Ctrl + S.

[ A ]  File Tab.

[ B ]  Quick Access Toolbar.

[ C ]  Both A and B.

[ D ]  Only B.

10. What is the extension of document created in Microsoft Word?

[ A ]  .Word

[ B ]  .docs

[ C ]  .docx

[ D ]  All of the Above.

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Larning of Computer fundamentals and its applications and Microsoft Office together with MCQ questions.